Joint Base San Antonio consists of 46,577 people. Of these, 24,702 are active-duty members. Another 10,131 are DoD civilian employees. The remaining 11,744 are contract employees and family members. Lackland is comprised of the 37th Training Wing, National Guard 149th Fighter Wing, the 59th Medical Wing, the Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency, the 24th Air Force Wing, 67th Network Warfare Wing, Cryptologic Systems Group, and the National Security Agency plus 70 additional associate units.
Joint Base San Antonio (Lackland, Randolph, Sam Houston)
Contact Information
Hwy 90 and SW Military Road Lackland AFB, TX 78236-5113
210-221-1110 | Jbsa Fort Sam Houston
210-671-1110 | Jbsa Lackland AFB
Programs & Services
Youth Programs/Centers